web coverage server

Norman Barker nbarker at RSINC.COM
Fri Apr 1 09:27:28 EST 2005


having used MapServer WCS for DEM data (fantastic, thanks for the help), I am looking to use the WCS
for temporal data too.  

In particular I was thinking of using the WCS to serve netCDF data, filtering on temporal dimensions, 
and dataset parameters (not doing any geographic subset as yet).  

My questions are;

1) GDAL seems to have problems with netCDF, would I be better to translate to geotiff where each band represents 
a dataset parameter?

2) Has anyone done something similar?

Quoting from the WCS howto 
Only spatial, simple temporal and radiometric band subsetting is possible with the current implementation 

Does that mean I would have to convert to geotiff to support querying by dataset parameter, since each band could represent a different

Any help on the time dimensions would be appreciated.

Are there any examples (however small) I could look at.

Many thanks,

Norman Barker
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