Java Mapscript zoomRectangle

Howard Butler hobu at IASTATE.EDU
Sun Apr 3 09:05:20 PDT 2005


your maxy is less than your miny (negative coordinate systems go the
other way).

maxy: -114298.67601256436
miny: -113841.05840296435


At 7:21 AM -0700 4/3/05, Mario H. Basa wrote:
>Hello there,
>I am having problems getting mapObj.zoomRectangle to
>work, always getting a
>java.lang.UnknownError: Georeferenced coordinates miny
><= maxy
>error message even though my extents are correct. My
>code is here:
>rectObj  myExtent = new
>rectObj  myRect   = new
>I tried declaring myRect with a MS_TRUE parameter, but
>the error still persists. Is it the way I am declaring
>my rectObj which is at fault?
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