Java Mapscript zoomRectangle

Mario H. Basa mhbasa at YAHOO.COM
Sun Apr 3 22:01:22 EDT 2005

Howard thanks!

But even if there coordinates are reversed,
zoomRectangle still does not work. This time though it
does not throw any exceptions, although it does mangle
the values of mapObj.

Any pointers as to where I am making a mistake will be
greatly appreciated.


--- Howard Butler <hobu at IASTATE.EDU> wrote:
> Mario,
> your maxy is less than your miny (negative
> coordinate systems go the
> other way).
> maxy: -114298.67601256436
> miny: -113841.05840296435
> Howard
> At 7:21 AM -0700 4/3/05, Mario H. Basa wrote:
> >Hello there,
> >
> >I am having problems getting mapObj.zoomRectangle
> to
> >work, always getting a
> >
> >java.lang.UnknownError: Georeferenced coordinates
> miny
> ><= maxy
> >
> >error message even though my extents are correct.
> My
> >code is here:
> >
> >rectObj  myExtent = new
> >
> >rectObj(-1d,-1d,-1d,-1d,mapscript.MS_FALSE);
> >rectObj  myRect   = new
> >
> >rectObj(-1d,-1d,-1d,-1d,mapscript.MS_FALSE);
> >
> >
> >myExtent.setMinx(53705.02867345365);
> >myExtent.setMiny(-113841.05840296435);
> >myExtent.setMaxx(54498.23253009368);
> >myExtent.setMaxy(-114298.67601256436);
> >
> >myRect.setMinx(138d);
> >myRect.setMiny(88d);
> >myRect.setMaxx(433d);
> >myRect.setMaxy(312d);
> >
> >
> >
> >I tried declaring myRect with a MS_TRUE parameter,
> but
> >the error still persists. Is it the way I am
> declaring
> >my rectObj which is at fault?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >mario
> >yokohama,japan
> >
> >
> >
> >__________________________________
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