center lat long

Gregor Mosheh stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Sun Apr 3 09:36:31 PDT 2005

--- joerg pfeiffer <superbla3000 at GMX.NET> wrote:
> I have a lat long coordinate and would like to
> center this with php mapscript.

Step 1: Find the coords of the center.

$center_x = ($map->extent[0] + $map->extent[2]) /2
$center_y = ($map->extent[1] + $map->extent[3]) /2

Step 2: Convert to latlong, if you're not already
using latlong.

      $projInObj  =
      $projOutObj =
      $poPoint    = ms_newpointobj();
      $poPoint->setXY($x, $y);
      $poPoint->project($projInObj, $projOutObj);
      $x = $poPoint->x;
      $y = $poPoint->y;

Step 3: Now call whatever JavaScript or PHP/MS thing
you use to set extents and draw your map.

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