where to host python mapserver apps

David Bitner osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 4 06:29:35 PDT 2005

I've been looking at Virtual Servers such as Linode.com which uses
user mode linux so you would have root access to install/compile
whatever you needed.  It seems pretty reasonably priced and there are
other similar hosting plans elsewhere.  I'm not sure if anyone on the
list has had any luck with any of these.  You get machines with fast
processors, but your guaranteed ram is very low.

On Apr 3, 2005 12:48 AM, Jon Saints <saintsjd at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Anyone have recomendations for budget hosting
> companies for python mapscript mapserver apps?
> I am looking at hub.org, but the 256mb of disk space
> wont cut it for my imagery.
> Specific requirements:
>   - mod_python
>   - postgis
>   - mapserver, python mapscript
> I dont mind compiling/installing if i must.
> Thanks
> Jon

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