Interpolating a raster layer from a point layer...

Jeremy Malczyk jmalczyk at YAHOO.COM
Wed Apr 6 14:07:46 PDT 2005

Apologies, Yahoo Mail spell check somehow managed to garble my post.


 Is it possible for MapServer to render a raster layer that is derived entirely from values in a
 vector (in this case, point) datasource.

 For example, I have regularly spaced point data (a grid of sorts), and I want MapServer to color
 pixels based on the nearest point in that layer (instead of just displaying the point itself as
 a symbol). The points would be coming in via an OGRVRTDataSource pulling from an ODBC Connection
 to an MS-SQL database. So basically I need Mapserver to query the point layer for each pixel in
 the raster being generated, determine the nearest point, and then classify it according to an
 attribute of that point.

 Make sense? If so, can this be done? The point data would be changing rather frequently (daily)
 so precompiling the raster in a regular GIS would be impractical.


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