raster : bad quality in output

Didrik Pinte dpinte at ITAE.BE
Thu Apr 7 07:44:35 PDT 2005

Le jeudi 07 avril 2005 à 09:19 -0500, Fawcett, David a écrit :
> Didrik, 
> This are you explicitly setting the size of the image on your output html page?  If so, does it match the size set in your Map file?
> David.

Hi David,

Yes, I think so :

Here is the output of my template :

<td align="center"><INPUT type="image" name="img" src="[img]"
width="[mapwidth]" height="[mapheight]" border="0" alt="this is the

And the output of my map file :

        DEBUG ON
        EXTENT 347839 1.7954e+06 402109 1.83667e+06 

        IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
        SIZE 500 300
        STATUS ON
        SHAPEPATH "/var/www/mapserver/maps"
        RESOLUTION 96


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