coordinate conversion problem

Didrik Pinte dpinte at ITAE.BE
Fri Apr 8 06:52:55 PDT 2005


I'm using a lot of rasters and one shape file in Esri
NTF_France_Lambert_II coordinates

I've translated NTF_France_Lambert_II in epsg:27572

I will have a layer of GPS points in latlong coordinates. To simulate
this, I took a shapefile in Esri NTF_France_Lambert_II coordinates and
convert it using ArcGIS to GCS_WGS_84.

I've translated GCS_WGS_84 to epsg:4326

When I look at the map, my latlong points are nearly 400 km on the left
of the original points ...

How can I solve the problem ? Did I choosed a bad epsg reference ? 

Thank you in advance for your help

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