Threadsafety/Exceptions for Java Mapscript?

Umberto Nicoletti unicoletti at PROMETEO.IT
Mon Apr 11 05:49:54 EDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 03:33 -0500, Daniel Caldeweyher wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> first of all I would like to thank all the developers for this great piece
> of software.
> I am working on a GIS project for my University using JavaMascript on
> Tomcat 5.5.7. My supervisor would to like to go online with my solution in
> a month or two for public testing. In the beginning 'public' means open to
> all University members, other Stakeholders and for presentations. However
> in the (near) future it is very likely that my project will be made
> available to the general public, initially targetted at South East-
> Queensland only, but the whole of the state and an Australian-wide
> installation are likely to follow. That is why I gave scalablity and
> maintainability a high priority and chose Java Servlet/JSP/struts as the
> development basis.
> When I started Umberto Nicoletti's website indicated that "A patch that
> enables exceptions in mapscript, so that mapscript errors don't crash your
> JVM (and Tomcat) anymore." will come soon. Well its two-three months later
> now and I was wondering when it will be released? It is very important to
> me as I would not be very happy if i had to port my entire site to php or
> python.

The patch is in mainstream mapserver, I'll update my web site asap.
There has been some discussion on thread safety lately so make sure you
check out the archives: search the subject for 'Java MapScript issues

You could find this link interesting (or search bugzilla for threads):


> Thank you very much,
> Daniel
Umberto Nicoletti                          |   We are Pentium of Borg.
+390415701366   unicoletti at     |   Division is futile.
Prometeo S.R.L. The Software Experience    |   You will be approximated.

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