Mapserver for Windows 2003 + FCGI + SDE

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Tue Apr 12 10:25:12 PDT 2005


did you download any of the Windows Platform SDK's?

You could try building against the Windows 2003 Server Platform SDK, but I
don't know if that will help for sure. Update your LIB and INCLUDE
environment variables to include the Platform SDK files first.

Btw this site needs IE :-( :

Best regards,

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 09:15:54 -0700, Mark Leslie <mark at REFRACTIONS.NET>

> I'm having trouble building mapserver on a Windows 2003 server with
> ArcSDE and fastcgi support. I can compile it, and it runs for a while,
> but I eventually get memory faults in msvcrt.dll and libfcgi.dll. I have
> tryed this with Mapservers 4.4, 4.4.1 and now 4.4.2. I've compiled using
> both vc6 and vc7. Two things that may be relevent: I'm using the
> precompiled gd binaries; the error stack does not seem to be clearing
> between requests. I was under the impression that the error stack issue
> had been taken care of around the 4.4 release. This build has worked
> fine before on Win2000. If anyone has had similar problems, or has any
> ideas, I would appreciate it.
> Mark

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