Aggregation in Maps
Bill Binko
bill at BINKO.NET
Sat Apr 16 02:59:09 PDT 2005
Hi everyone,
So I was playing around with various projects and I came across a problem:
I had data that was only meaningful up close, but that I wanted summary
access to. For example, parcel attributes (like sale_price) are naturally
associated directly with a parcel shape column: however, you often want to
aggregate them (average over an area or the like).
So I created a PL/PGSQL function that took a table, column, number of rows
and number of columns and generated a new table with just a grid of box
shapes that cover the same area. I call it makeBlocks():
# select makeBlocks('parcels', 'parcel_shape', 'parcel_boxes',
'parcel_box', 10, 10 );
Then, I added columns for attributes I wanted to aggregate:
# alter table parcel_boxes add column avg_sale_price double precision;
And ran a NASTY SLOW query like this:
# update parcel_boxes set avg_sale_price = (select avg(sale_price) from
handyViewWithSalePrice where parcel_shape && parcel_box);
(Obviously, handyView is nastier and better named :)
It takes FOREVER, but when it's done, it works!
It took about 5 minutes for that 10x10 grid, and I'm about to start a
100x100 that might take all day :)
I just thought I'd share the idea (and the PL/PGSQL) with the group.
Please forgive the code: it's my first forray into PL/PGSQL. If anyone
has any ideas on ways to make it faster (or better) please let me know.
Here's an example of the output (and yes, it uses the gradient support
----Start PL/PGSQL code
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makeBlocks(text, text, text, text, integer, integer) returns text AS '
source_table ALIAS FOR $1;
source_col ALIAS for $2;
dest_table ALIAS for $3;
dest_col ALIAS for $4;
num_cols ALIAS for $5;
num_rows ALIAS for $6;
thesrid integer;
block_width double precision := 0;
block_height double precision := 0;
border box3d;
tmpString text;
result text;
therow record;
thesrid := srid from geometry_columns where f_table_name ilike source_table and f_geometry_column ilike source_col;
EXECUTE \'CREATE TABLE \' || dest_table || \' ( gid serial )\';
-- RAISE NOTICE ''SRID = %'', thesrid;
tmpString := \'SELECT AddGeometryColumn(''''\' || dest_table || \''''',''''\' || dest_col ||\''''',\' || thesrid::text || \', ''''POLYGON'''', 2 )\';
EXECUTE tmpString;
tmpString = \'SELECT box3d(extent(\'|| source_col || \')) as boundary from \' || source_table || \' LIMIT 1\';
-- RAISE NOTICE ''borderq = %'', tmpString;
for therow in EXECUTE tmpString LOOP
border := therow.boundary;
end loop;
-- RAISE NOTICE ''borderReult = %'', border;
blx double precision;
bly double precision;
urx double precision;
ury double precision;
insertStmt text;
block_width := (xmax(border) - xmin(border)) / num_cols;
block_height := (ymax(border) - ymin(border))/ num_rows;
for r in 1 .. num_rows LOOP
-- RAISE NOTICE ''r = %'', r;
for c in 1 .. num_cols LOOP
-- RAISE NOTICE ''c = %'', c;
blx := xmin(border) + (c-1)*block_width;
bly := ymin(border) + (r-1)*block_height;
urx := xmin(border) + (c)*block_width;
ury := ymin(border) + (r)*block_height;
tmpString := \'SETSRID(BOX3D(''''BOX3D(\' || blx || \' \' || bly || \' 0, \' || urx || \' \' || ury || \' 0)''''), \' || thesrid || \')\';
-- RAISE NOTICE ''box = %'', tmpString;
insertStmt := ''insert into '' || dest_table || ''( '' || dest_col || '') values ( ''|| tmpString || '' ) '';
-- RAISE NOTICE ''insert = %'', insertStmt;
EXECUTE insertStmt;
tmpString = \'create index \'|| dest_table || \'_gist on \' || dest_table || \' using GIST ( \' || dest_col || \')\';
EXECUTE tmpString;
return ''SUCCESS'';
' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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