C# question

Constantin Cristian constantin.a.cristian at GMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 16 06:57:03 PDT 2005


Does any one any idea how to implement i_obj.write method instead of i_obj.save, for example if I want to use the stream with "System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromStream" method.

Here is some code:

mapObj m_obj = new mapObj("C:\\ms4w\\apps\\work\\test.map"); 

Console.WriteLine ("# Map layers " + m_obj.numlayers + "; Map name = " + m_obj.name); 

for (int i=0; i<m_obj.numlayers; i++) 


Console.WriteLine("Layer [" + i + "] name: " + m_obj.getLayer(i).name);


imageObj i_obj = m_obj.draw();

Console.WriteLine("Image URL = " + i_obj.imageurl + "; Image path = " + i_obj.imagepath); 

Console.WriteLine("Image height = " + i_obj.height + "; width = " + i_obj.width); 


Any sample code will be greatly appreciated....:)
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