Search returned no results

Jeffrey Johnson ortelius at GMAIL.COM
Sun Apr 17 12:29:43 EDT 2005

Problem solved. Thanks! Im off to the template reference which doesn't
seem to offer any examples of templates for query results. Have you
any better links for something like this.

Thanks a bunch,


On 4/17/05, Sean Gillies <sgillies at> wrote:
> You need to define query templates for your layers.  Any value will do.
>   I like to do something like this:
>    ...
>    TEMPLATE "MapServers developers are a bit sadistic and insist on
> hazing new users with this poorly documented control over
> query-ability.  How many user hours have been lost to this gotcha?
> I'll bet it's many thousands."
>    ...
> cheers,
> Sean
> On Apr 17, 2005, at 9:02 AM, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
> > Nope. I tried values up to 100 and no luck. The polygon layer covers
> > nearly all of the map area, so this shouldn't a problem. I am also
> > having trouble getting the legend to work. An image seems to be
> > generated, but its empty. Is there something wrong with my mapfile
> > that allows the map to be generated, but other modules not to work?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jeff=20
> >
> > On 4/17/05, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] <Tom.Kralidis at> wrote:
> >> =20
> >> Try setting tolerance in the LAYER object (i.e. TOLERANCE 10).
> >> =20
> >> ..Tom
> >> =20
> >> =20
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: UMN MapServer Users List
> >>> [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Johnson
> >>> Sent: Sunday, 17 April, 2005 09:36
> >>> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Search returned no results
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I'm having trouble getting query mode to work in my first
> >>> mapserver application. The standard "msQueryByPoint(): Search
> >>> returned no results. No matching record(s) found. " is
> >>> returned. The map file and template seem pretty simple and
> >>> straightforward. I checked that img.x and img.y are being
> >>> passed. Not sure whats up. Any ideas?
> >>>
> >>> Jeff
> >>>
> >>> ----Map File-----
> >>>
> >>> MAP
> >>>       NAME SDNHMPaleo
> >>>       STATUS ON
> >>>       SIZE 800 600
> >>>       EXTENT 6150763 1775304 6613436 2129759
> >>>       UNITS METERS
> >>>       SHAPEPATH "/home/www/sdnhmpaleo/data"
> >>>       IMAGECOLOR 230 230 230
> >>>       SYMBOLSET 'symbols.sym'
> >>>       FONTSET "fonts/fonts.list"
> >>>       DEBUG ON
> >>>       IMAGETYPE PNG
> >>>
> >>>       WEB
> >>>               HEADER 'header.html'
> >>>               FOOTER 'footer.html'
> >>>               TEMPLATE 'map.htm'
> >>>               IMAGEPATH '/home/www/sdnhmpaleo/temp/'
> >>>               IMAGEURL '/sdnhmpaleo/temp/'
> >>>               MINSCALE 50000
> >>>               MAXSCALE 5000000
> >>>               LOG '/home/www/sdnhmpaleo/sdnhmpaleo.log'
> >>>       END
> >>>
> >>>       SCALEBAR
> >>>               IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
> >>>               LABEL
> >>>                       COLOR 0 0 0
> >>>                       SIZE TINY
> >>>               END
> >>>               STYLE 1
> >>>               SIZE 300 10
> >>>               COLOR 0 0 0
> >>>               UNITS MILES
> >>>               INTERVALS 2
> >>>               TRANSPARENT FALSE
> >>>               STATUS EMBED
> >>>               POSITION LR
> >>>       END
> >>>
> >>>       LAYER
> >>>               NAME geology
> >>>               DATA cal-geol2
> >>>               STATUS OFF
> >>>               TYPE POLYGON
> >>>               CLASSITEM 'ptype'
> >>>               LABELITEM 'ptype'
> >>>               CLASS
> >>>                       EXPRESSION 'water'
> >>>                       COLOR 190 232 255
> >>>                       OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
> >>>               END
> >>>               CLASS
> >>>                       EXPRESSION 'Q'
> >>>                       COLOR 255 255 179
> >>>                       OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
> >>>               END
> >>>                 *** More classes here ***
> >>>       END
> >>>
> >>>       LAYER
> >>>               NAME roads
> >>>               DATA SD-Freeways2
> >>>               STATUS OFF
> >>>               TYPE LINE
> >>>               CLASS
> >>>                       COLOR 0 0 0
> >>>               END
> >>>       END
> >>>
> >>>       LAYER
> >>>               NAME localities
> >>>               DATA localities
> >>>               STATUS OFF
> >>>               TYPE POINT
> >>>               CLASS
> >>>                       SYMBOL 'circle'
> >>>                       COLOR 255 0  0
> >>>                       MINSIZE 5
> >>>               END
> >>>       END
> >>> END
> >>>
> >>> ----End Map File-----
> >>>
> >>>
> --
> Sean Gillies
> sgillies at frii dot com

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