MyGIS, Mapfile, and MapScript

Don Deskins dldeskins at GMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 18 09:50:37 PDT 2005

It must be monday!

the errors are as follows:

Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named
'Parcels'. in <path> on line 274

Warning: [MapServer Error]: msMYGISLayerGetShapeRandom(): GetShape called on
MYGIS layer with invalid DB query results. in <path> on line 274

Warning: [MapServer Error]: SELECT, feature.vertices,
geometry.WKB_GEOMETRY from mysql query failed : mysql query failed in <path>
on line 274

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in <path> on line 276

Can anyone suggest what the problem may be?


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