Fwd: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to get a plan picture from ortho pictures?

luca marletta lucamarle at GMAIL.COM
Wed Apr 20 05:00:36 PDT 2005

Thanks for reply but my problems ("the problem" in this case) is not
to have a big picture or a tileindex, else if I appreciate your
suggestion, but to create a "plain image" (flat I mean, sorry for
error in typing) from aeropictures, pay attention NOT from satellite.
The pictures I have couldn't be overlap due to distortion, distortion
that give them the possibility to build a 3D view and get an
photogrammetric map.
With some software elaboration you can rearrange them and make them
plain and overlappable and my question is about experience in this
directions mainly in opensource environment.

Thanks again for contribution


On 4/20/05, Frank Warmerdam <fwarmerdam at gmail.com> wrote:
> What do you mean by a "plan picture"?
> Generally speaking it should be easy to create a layer from a set of
> orthophotos in MapServer by creating a tileindex for them (with gdaltindex)
> and using that tileindex for a layer.  For performance purposes it may
> be necessary to create overviews for the orthophotos, and to manage
> a seperate "overview" layer for large scales.

luca marletta  icq: 70590647

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