pass URL arguments to DHTML mapserver interface

Bart van den Eijnden BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL
Fri Apr 22 08:20:47 PDT 2005


I think you can use javascript to do this.

Use in your mapserver_page.html and set a respective FORM variable using document.myform.myelement.value, or just add it to the Mapserver URL as a string.

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Postbus 270
2600 AG  DELFT 015-7512436
email: BEN at

>>> Dylan Beaudette <dylan at IICI.NO-IP.ORG> 04/22/05 04:49pm >>>
Hi everyone,

Having recently experimented with the DHTML UMN site, I have to say
that it is a very elegant solution with clear documentation within the
source code.

So far i have been able to pass arguments on the URL to the DHTML
interface such that:


where 'variable' and its value are accessible to the JS code within the
DHTML page.

However, I cannot seem to figure out how to get these variables passed
on to the mapserver CGI when it is called.

For example, I would like to call the DHTML page with some parameters:


...which are then passed on to the mapserver CGI:


is there currently any way of doing this?

thanks in advance, and thanks to the mapserver folks for the excellent
DHTML examples!

Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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