Mac OS Tiger / Gcc4.0 support

Nick Dabner dabner at OPTUSNET.COM.AU
Mon Apr 25 16:30:13 PDT 2005

William K,

Thinking of ordering a copy this week (bound to do it sooner or later),
so should be able to do a test in the next fortnight. I am no unix
expert, but at least it gets a run to identify any hurdles. Was hoping
a list member might have been an ADC select member and can enlighten us
this week.

BTW - noticed the mac binary link directs to your old webpage. Perhaps
the mapserver webmaster can update the link to your download pages?


On 26/04/2005, at 12:09 AM, William K wrote:

> Not me yet.  Or anyone else that can say - developers that have advance
> copies of Tiger are probably under NDAs on how things work (tho
> developers can probably update their software to work on Tiger, they
> just can't say how).
> I'll probably be waiting a couple weeks to get and install Tiger, just
> to see where everyone else has problems.  Also depends on when I have
> time next month - kinda busy.  But I'll try to get a binary package as
> soon as I can.  Of course, if the current one works on Tiger, that's
> less pressure, and good to know.
> GCC 3.3 vs 4.0 shouldn't be too hard - even now Apple has a way to
> switch versions, so if there are major problems with 4.0 and MapServer,
> one can just switch to 3.3 which works.
> If you have Tiger now, as a non-dev, you're lucky.  I heard there was a
> screwup at some online retailers and they shipped some early.  I guess
> those people that got it early wouldn't have an NDA problem.
> On Apr 25, 2005, at 1:03 AM, Nick Dabner wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> Wondering if anyone has attempted using mapserver on Mac OS Tiger? It
>> is out in a few days, but I haven't seen any notes on using Mapserver
>> with it. One of the main changes is gcc 4.0 as opposed to gcc 3.3, but
>> there is likely more things under the hood. Any reason known why it
>> wouldn't work? Using the panther binaries posted on this list earlier
>> in the month, which work really well.
>> regards,
>> Nick
> -----
> William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at>
> "Mon Dieu! but they are all alike.  Cheating, murdering, lying,
> fighting, and all for things that the beasts of the jungle would not
> deign to possess - money to purchase the effeminate pleasures of
> weaklings.  And yet withal bound down by silly customs that make them
> slaves to their unhappy lot while firm in the belief that they be the
> lords of creation enjoying the only real pleasures of existence....
> - the wisdom of Tarzan

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