Solaris 10

Gregor Mosheh stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Sat Apr 30 12:16:45 EDT 2005

This doesn't apply to MS specifically, but...

Solaris 9 (dunno about 10) is a hybrid of Sun's
proprietary linker and libraries with GNU's compiler
and utilities, and the combination makes software
builds a bit iffy sometimes. With Solaris I've often
had problems with compiling programs that expect to be
in the "100% GNU environment" of Linux.

So, if it does work for you, I recommend saving a text
file of your build procedure, because you'll probably
end up using special config flags and environment
variables, and having them in hand for next time saves
a lot of time.

(Our server is FreeBSD, and we had similar issues. The
software does port easily *once* you know the ins and
outs for your OS.)

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