Displaying Mapinfo text layer with rotation

Tamas Szekeres szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU
Mon Aug 8 07:46:35 PDT 2005

Dear Flavio!

Your suggestions could solve my problem, thanks.

But using "STYLEITEM AUTO" the scale dependent rendering of the label size
cannot be achieved if the label size in the OGR data source is set to
zero, because the actual scalefactor is eliminated by multiplying with the
zero (see msGetLabelSize in maplabel.cpp).

Best Regards

Tamas Szekeres

On Sat, 6 Aug 2005 09:19:29 +0200, Flavio Hendry <flavio at TYDAC.CH> wrote:

>Hi Tamas
>see the MapInfo Example under http://umn.mapserver.ch/ (i.e. the layer
>house numbers).
>such as:
>CONNECTION "..\data\housenr.TAB"
>and for scaling:
>Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
>Flavio Hendry
>TYDAC NEWS http://www.tydac.ch/german/index.php?menu=News_actual
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