ASP.NET and mapscript - unable to load DLL

Piero Cavalieri piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT
Tue Aug 23 04:10:59 PDT 2005

>Anyway, I finally gave up on trying combining Mapserver and .NET, and
>started writing my own mapengine from scratch in .NET :-) Let me know if
>you should be interested in the code.

I write simple app with .NET, using cgi mode and template files. It uses
HttpWebRequest to make request to cgi and HttpWebResponse to read response.
I use an xml template file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
 <img value="[img]"/>
 <mapwidth value="[mapwidth]"/>
 <mapheight value="[mapheight]"/>
 <scalebar value="[scalebar]"/>
 <referenceMap value="[ref]"/>
 <imgxy value="[center]"/>
 <imgext value="[mapext]"/>

Parse, put template keyword value in protected variables, and then use them
in the Page (all code is in code-behind .cs files). Same thing for query
templates (but don't have xml template files, used instead a custom syntax,
for now). At client side uses rosa applet (also tried dbox).
Probably not the best way, but (seems) functional. Result is very similar
to dm solutions gmap application (I can't publish at the moment, due to
layers rights...)


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