Will someone summarize this?

P Kishor mapserver at EIDESIS.ORG
Thu Dec 1 07:04:22 PST 2005

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On 12/1/05, Aniruddha S. Khadkikar <as.khadkikar at ncl.res.in> wrote:
>> Have we agreed that:
>> Mapserver retain its identity as before (I vote for that - in case
>> polling is on).
> Aniruddha,
> I, for one, don't agree with keeping MapServer named just "MapServer".
> Clearly a number of people do feel this way.

Actually, Frank, to me it seems more clear that a number of people
feel just the other way. Yes, there has been one email about the
potential confusion between MapServer, the software, and a mapserver,
a software that serves maps, (and, yes, that is possible) but most
folks on this MS-Users list have strongly voiced their opinion that
MapServer should remain MapServer, and no other software, such as the
Autodesk MapGuide, should be given the MapServer qualifier.

You are definitely one of the most important developers behind this
software. Steve has himself said in public that his little program
would not have gone anywhere without the libraries that you
contributed, and I respect Steve's sentiments and opinions perhaps
more than anyone else's. Nevertheless, I respectfully, completely,
disagree with your view on the re-titling of MapServer.

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