SLD, fonts and Mapserver

Gustavo Henrique Sberze Ribas gribas at CPQD.COM.BR
Tue Dec 6 04:51:33 PST 2005


 I wonder what I'm doing wrong here, I'm trying to format the layer's
font with SLD using the <sld:font> tag but if I set the style or weight 
to normal Mapserver ignores everything and use the default bitmap font. 

 I.e., if the following tag is present in the SLD 

  <sld:CssParameter name="font-style">normal</sld:CssParameter>
then mapserver will use the default font and ignore the other 
attributes such as size and rotation. This happens with versions 4.4
and 4.6 (ms4w).

  I've build a simple test page to show the problem:

  Any ideas? From the how-to:

"When a Font Style or a Font Weight is set to normal in an SLD, it is also 
ignored in building the name. For example, if there is an SLD with a Font 
Family of arial, a Font Style of normal and a Font weight equals to bold, 
the resulting MapServer font name is arial-bold."


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