If I may interject - Mapserver Foundation

Scott Emmons emmons at UNBC.CA
Wed Dec 7 10:18:00 PST 2005

Hello all those that still have issue with the "Mapserver foundation" 

I have been following the discussions posted on this list, as well as
the newly formed MSF Discussion list, and I would like to submit some
thoughts in this regard.

I do not want to seem too presumptuous in my comments, but as a
representative of a group of people that use Mapserver and other
associated resources, I feel compelled to add my perspectives to this

It would seem through the rhetoric touted in these postings, we are all
in violent agreement that a foundation in some form needs to exist. 
There are several prominent reasons for such an endeavor (most of which 
have been presented in the comments from well intentioned users)to move 
forth, and it is this need for a foundation to prevail (despite and in
consideration of all the comments received thus far) that we should now
focus on.

Although this movement may seem very confusing and turbulent, I believe
we are on the crest of moving ahead.  The method of development of
organizations such as this seems quite natural in the stages it has
taken so far.

I believe that those that put the effort in to start the wheels turning
are working in earnest and have make all attempts to suggest a direction
for substantiating this foundation.  It would seem to me that there are
several individuals and groups that have contributed greatly in code and
protocol submissions over the years, and these folks could contribute
substantially as a foundation moves towards formation.

Those that make use of, or work within, governance models such as a
non-profit framework that this foundation may exist under, are
encouraged to debate the mandate and evolution of such interests.  We
need to move towards that end by, ridding ourselves of concerns such as
product naming and individual motives.  It does not reflect well on the
community to be perceived as a group that is fractured and low
functioning when such great work has (and is still are) been done.

I would like to suggest that we combine those that have worked towards
this initiative so far with a complement of others nominated from the
users group in forming a steering committee (or whatever other name you
want for such a committee).  This committed can determine key goals and
the structure of the foundation.  Perhaps a a less product specific 
dialog could be established through this committee that describes a 
foundation that promotes the development of a range of tools and 
protocols (these could include Mapserver, PostGIS, GDAL/OGR, QGIS, 
Autodesk and so on).



Scott Emmons
Senior Lab Instructor - GIS/Remote Sensing
University of Northern British Columbia
3333 University Way
Prince George, B.C.
V2N 4Z9
(250) 960-6486
fax (250) 960-6258

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