Using the 4.x Tutorial

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Fri Dec 9 09:46:21 PST 2005

You can also try the workshop from the last MapServer conference 
data is included.


Brian Peschel wrote:
> Being the newbie I am (and from advice from the DEV list), I went to go run
> through the tutorials.  So, I started with the first one:
> and I am missing something obvious.  Where do I get the data to use for this
> tutorial?  I can't seem to find any refernece to it.  Under the 'Tutorial
> Data' section, I see that the author got it from, but no
> link to the data I need to run through the tutorials.  Any idea where I can
> get the data?  I assume it isn't the 'demo' you can download with the source
> for MapServer as the paths are different and I can't seem to find the same
> files.
> Thanks in advance...

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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