Querying and labeling a WFS layer in Ma pserver WFS client

frequens frequens at GMAIL.COM
Mon Dec 12 08:49:47 EST 2005

This is getting a long thread ;-)

On 12/12/05, Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) <b.vdeijnden at agi.rws.minvenw.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it *should* be supported since a WFS client LAYER is nothing else
> than a shapefile layer, the only difference is the source is GML which is
> read through OGR.

And as LABEL success proves, the .gml gets read through OGR.

After a little fiddling around my question is:

Should Mapserver client at the query request time try to read the
already existing .gml or request a new one to the server. From my web
logs it appears the Mapserver client issues an identical request for
the .gml always, regardless whether he gets a normal or query request.
Is this OK ? The returned .gml are the same, but which one is read?

> To be on the safe side, can you check a queryByRect?

Done. Nothing.



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