Want to disable scalebar for serving WMS requests

Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 16 14:08:18 PST 2005

Hi Vincent,

You could set the status in your mapfile to ON instead of embed to
make it work with WMS,  and for your regular map requests,  include a
hidden input statement in your form (or within the URL) that alters
the value on the fly.

For the html form it would be:
<input type="hidden" name="map_scalebar_status" value="embed">

For the URL, it would be:
http:\\ .... &map_scalebar_status=embed

Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

On 12/16/05, Vincent J. Troisi <Vincent.Troisi at colorado.edu> wrote:
> I have a scalebar object defined in my mapfile (see below).
> The mapfile is used for a browse application. I'd like
> to use the same mapfile to service WMS requests without
> the scalebar being served with the map request. Is there
> some attribute I'm missing that will enable the embedding
> of the scalebar for a browse request on the local
> mapserver application but prevent the scalebar from
> being embedded on a map returned from a  WMS request?
> Thanks,
> Vince
> __________________________________________________________________
>  Vincent J. Troisi
>  University of Colorado, Boulder/CIRES/NSIDC
>  Voice: (303) 492-1827  FAX: (303) 492-2468
>  E-Mail: Vincent.Troisi at Colorado.EDU
> __________________________________________________________________

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