raster layers from point sources {Scanned}

Siki Zoltan siki at AGT.BME.HU
Sat Dec 17 09:51:42 PST 2005


Alternatively you can use gdal to display directly GMT NetCFD grid
or you can use Grass to generate other grid formats which is supported
by gdal.


On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, Charlton Purvis wrote:

> I’d go one of two ways – or perhaps both.
> Create an sst LAYER w/ a bunch of CLASSes for each temp range.  E.g.
>     CLASS
>       EXPRESSION ([val] < -2.0)
>       COLOR 0 0 159
>     END
>     CLASS
>       EXPRESSION ([val] < -1.8)
>       COLOR 0 0 191
>     END
>     CLASS
>       EXPRESSION ([val] < -1.6)
>       COLOR 0 0 223
>     END
> Or you could go the GMT (http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/) route.  I've done
> that, too, w/ great results.  Basically, pass your data (in my case via an
> ASCII dump to a GMT grid), make GMT draw the image, you georeference it by
> slapping an appropriate .wld to this file, and then pass that image back to
> MapServer to draw it.  You could do all of this ahead of time by creating
> the images and storing them locally, or all of this could go on on-the-fly.
> An advantage of going the GMT on-the-fly route is that you could choose to
> draw contours or do any other type of GMT interpolation at the drop of a
> hat.
> Again, both have worked well for me.  The 1st option is nice and clean and
> MapServer pure.  The 2nd option does have a few more moving parts, but it
> produces a nice product, too.
> I hope that helps.
> Charlton
> ________________________________________
> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Christopher Condit
> Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 6:54 PM
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] raster layers from point sources
> I’ve got some physical variables (such as sea surface temperature) at 1
> degree intervals in an Oracle database (or perhaps in another vector
> source).  What would be the best way to create a raster representation of
> these values using MapServer/GDAL?  Any help would be appreciated


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