Raster Analysis and MapServer

Lawrence, Kevin klawrenc at NRCAN.GC.CA
Wed Dec 21 10:10:16 PST 2005

Hi Brian
Yes I have played with rasters for a few years.  Most of what we are doing
is map algebra so taking one - many raster(s) and executing some function
and making the final raster available for viewing with mapserver.  cellwise
work is the simplest so I use simple C programs to do that.  neighbourhood
works gets a little more fun.  I have not done the vector to raster
conversion on the fly, in first round this is exactly what mapserver is
doing.  I give a shapefile and it gives me a raster.  for a broader approach
the idrisi or grass libraries are where I head.  GDAL support?
This is a thread I will watch with much interest.  

-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
Behalf Of Fischer, Brian
Sent: December 19, 2005 6:38 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Raster Analysis and MapServer

MapServer users,


I have a project that I would like to generate raster data on the fly and
use MapServer to display the results.  I am curious if anyone else has tried
this.  If so what tools did you use to do the raster analysis and how did it
work?  Let me explain more about the process.


1. Someone would go to a web page and click a button to start the process.

2. Some tool would create raster1 from a line vector file (contours) (need a
contour to raster algorithm)

3. Some tool would do a raster calculation (raster1 minus raster2) to
produce a final raster

4. MapServer would display the final raster.


I need all of this process to happen over the web.  I think I can use GRASS
to do the raster analysis, but I am curious if anyone else has done this
sort of thing.  My other option is to go to ESRI's ArcGISServer (which I
don't want to do, if I don't have to).  Are there any other tools available
to do raster analysis (spatial analysis) on the web?


Any insight would be helpful.





Brian Fischer, GIS Specialist/Programmer
Houston Engineering, Inc. | Leave Nothing to ChanceTM
10900 73rd AVE N, Suite 106
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Phone:  763.493.4522 / Fax:  763.493.5572
Email:   <mailto:bfischer at houstonengineeringinc.com>
bfischer at houstonengineeringinc.com
Website:  <http://www.houstonengineeringinc.com/>


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