Labeling rasters via CGI Mapserver

Daryl Herzmann akrherz at IASTATE.EDU
Thu Dec 22 12:42:12 PST 2005


Okay, quick and dirty.  I produce rasters (PNG,TIF) sources for mapserver 
that have a time component.  I would like to label these rasters on 
mapserver drawn images when somebody hits my WMS server or CGI mapserv 
apps.  Labeling these with Mapscript is trivial, so I need hacks for CGI 

+ My current hack is to generate a bogus shapefile in image coordinates
   and dump the time stamp in there.  Then draw both the raster and
   shapefile. This is nasty IMHO...

I am probably missing something obvious here.  I can't really do 
CGI variable substitution I think....

I would like to be able to write a XML metadata file when I generate the 
rasters and then have mapserv/gdal use that file to annotate the image.

Idears.  And yes, I am already doing this in mapscript. :)


  * Daryl Herzmann (akrherz at
  * Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet

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