Raster Analysis and MapServer

Lowell.Filak lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG
Fri Dec 23 07:17:13 PST 2005

Blammo writes: 

> A thought, what about exposing the tool as a Web Service, similar call to 
> MapServer, only via a WebService.  This would help out with the 
> Thread/Safe issue too as Apache keeps this things generally under control. 
>  Large processes that take some time, might be a problem for Timeouts.  
> It's just a thought. 
> I actually thought about this last year when we were first starting out 
> with our Services architecture at the City. 
> bobb 
> Lowell.Filak wrote: 
>> Martin, Aaron, & others.  
>> This is good news.
>> I have been trying to get processes like this documented to the wiki 
>> (before the spamming) and to the new site by replying to emails such as 
>> these.
>> I finally gave up in favor of hiring a contractor to develop a 
>> (hopefully) uniform scripting language interface between MapScript & 
>> GRASS. As a result please expect to be contacted by the aforementioned 
>> contractor during the upcoming feasibility study. 


Good points. As far as timeouts go, any lengthy process could cause timeout 
issues no matter if it's a web service or connected on the back-end. The 
timeout would just cascade to the front-end anyways.
I believe the grass-server project (which I can't locate now) intended to 
supply a web service of sorts but was very limited (raster & read-only).? I 
think it was based on grasslib... But then that's what the feasibility study 
is for. 


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