Using MapServer as a C/C++ library

Norman Vine nhv at CAPE.COM
Thu Dec 29 07:01:42 PST 2005

Brian Peschel writes:
> So I am curious about using MapServer inside an existing C++ program.  A
> previous query about this suggested I shell out to the OS and call shp2image
> to create the image which I could then read in.  Shelling to the OS is not
> my prefered way of doing anything (there are limitations in the C system()
> call I would prefer to avoid).  So, I would rather use MapServer as a
> library call.

if you can do everything you want with shp2img  then ....
it is easy enough to change the main()  to shp2img()  
and call that with an appropriate char *[] that your
program creates dynamically



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