mapserver speed issues
John Spotten
John.Spotten at CAPETOWN.GOV.ZA
Wed Feb 9 07:55:45 PST 2005
hi ,
does mapserver make use of indexing present in external databases such as mapinfo, as I am considering breaking up a 90000 record layer into 5 classes each with it's own styling and doing some further joining with other sources.
I know I will have to check speeds over our intranet first for various options and log test results.
Is there any documentation on speed issues and tips and tricks on how to improve speed.
John Spotten
Transport Modeller/GIS Developer
Directorate of Transport, Roads and Stormwater
City of Cape Town
Tel : +27 21 4067325
Fax : +27 21 4186989
Cell : +27 846678901
Email : john.spotten at
Web :
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