Can someone help

Stéphane RIFF stephane.riff at CERENE.FR
Wed Feb 23 06:14:03 PST 2005

Look at the TOLERANCE layer attributes in  the mapfile doc

Anuradha Barua wrote:

>Hi all,
>I have an application which uses mapserver 4.0.1,mapscript  4.1 and
>php 4.3.4 in windows with iis 5.1
>I have been able to display attributes from a database based on user
>click on the map based on x,y coordinates.  In my case, if a user
>clicks on a point representing a city, some attributes for the city
>are displayed and the point is highlighted on the map.
>Now I would like to also highlight the neighbouring places
>corresponding to the point where the user clicked on the screen. How
>can I do that ?
>I would greatly appreciate any help.

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