Terraservice data not aligning

Jeff Hoffmann jeff at PROPERTYKEY.COM
Mon Jan 3 09:22:13 PST 2005

Ed McNierney wrote:
> Camden -
> I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but maintaining a nationwide database
> of highly accurate street data is a very expensive proposition.  It is
> difficult for vendors to make that investment if they intend to
> distribut it for "not much money".  Like many things, you get what you
> pay for; I do not know of any data set that is better than TIGER that is
> also inexpensive.  Do you need the entire US?  There certainly may be
> local data sets both inside and outside the Great State of Texas that
> are better than TIGER.

If you're only interested in a single county or a few counties, you
might want to contact your local county assessor's office (or GIS
department, although they're usually part of the assessor's office).
Often they will have street centerlines that are either TIGER corrected
and reprojected to fit their parcel layers or created internally to
supplement their other layers.  It's 1000x better than TIGER -- most of
counties I've seen line up reasonable well with just about anything.
What this costs varies a lot from county to county and state to state.
Some counties will give this layer away for free.  Some charge by the MB
& since it's not very big layer, I would think it should be reasonably
inexpensive.  It's a good place to start either way.

Jeff Hoffmann
jeff at propertykey.com

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