Return Only Template Vars without Generating Image ? (get extents not image )

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 4 20:06:16 PST 2005

On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 07:41:44 -0500, Shanton, James A
<James.Shanton2 at> wrote:
> Is it possible to do a form submit and return all my template variables
> without generating an image ?
> I'm working with jbox image swapping but am having a terrible time keeping
> up with the proper lat,long coordinate map extents.
> I would like to submit an unseen form that returns all the coordinate
> extents and template variables so that I can use those in my visible map.
> Thanks !
> Jim

Yes (although I have not actually done it). I would set STATUS OFF in
the map file, which will supress map image creation. You could do this
with 2 different map files, or in the query string.

Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at

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