Problems Displaying GeoTIFF
Frank Warmerdam
fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 5 08:42:09 PST 2005
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 15:43:27 +0100, Stefan Schwarzer
<stefan.schwarzer at> wrote:
> Thanks for the inputs. Here are some more details:
> - I am working with an 8 bit GeoTIFF.
Do you mean you are successfully using an 8bit GeoTIFF already
or that your new file is an 8bit GeoTIFF? When I asked before
I was attempting to contrast issues between a 24bit GeoTIFF and an
8bit GeoTIFF. Of course, a 24bit GeoTIFF is really just a 3 band
8bit geotiff but that isn't exactly what I meant.
> - I tried it on a Windows2000 machine, as well now on a Linux.
> - Don't know if the GDAL libs have been installed on the Linux machine
> -- I guess so. How can I verify it? On the Win I just have installed
> the OpenEV_FW tool, so I guess it should have installed the necessary
> libs as well, right?
The OpenEV_FW install is self contained, and does not attempt to
install GDAL libraries in "system locations". In any event, having
the GDAL libraries installed wouldn't help if you had built MapServer
without GDAL support.
> - Anyway, are there other libs necessary if I display GeoTIFFs and
> "normal" TIFFs with a Worldfile? Cause that works.
There are two general methods for displaying GeoTIFF input files
in MapServer. The "builtin" method which only works for 8bit
pseudocolored (or greyscale) files. This supports world files for
georeferencing, but not geotiff tags (I think).
The other way is using GDAL support in MapServer. This supports
a wide variety of GeoTIFF file types and is the preferred approach
now days.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
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