Upgrading Python Mapscript

Sean Gillies sgillies at FRII.COM
Fri Jan 7 08:14:52 PST 2005

On Jan 7, 2005, at 9:04 AM, William Hudspeth wrote:

> I am running Mapserver 4.2.1. I would like to upgrade the Python
> Mapserver component to the most recent version. Is there an easy way to
> do this?
> Bill


There are no upgrade shortcuts.  Download MapServer 4.4.1, configure
and make, then cd mapscript/python and follow the directions in the
README.  If you are using windows, you can grab binaries from Howard
Butler's site:


That make building mapserver unnecessary, but don't provide any of the
other programs.  I think it is only a typo that says "mapscript-4.3",


Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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