Performance Tuning a Mapfile

Sean Gillies sgillies at FRII.COM
Mon Jan 10 14:13:46 PST 2005

On Jan 10, 2005, at 3:05 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

> Sorry for the cross posting to the Dev list, but I think this is a
> topic
> that needs to be highlight there also.
> So I am back to trying to do some performance tuning of my mapfiles. On
> my layer post someone suggested using DEBUG ON. I think this is or a
> similar mapfile option is the correct approach. Unfortunately, on
> Mapserver 4.01, DEBUG ON was less than helpful. I only got a single
> line:

"Someone" was me.  Newer versions of MapServer have all kinds of debug
output for checking performance.  I'm sorta against this, because there
are better ways to do it: gprof for mapserv, or write a Python (or
whatever) script to draw your map and call it with (or

This is a great excuse to upgrade your MapServer!


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