Performance Tuning a Mapfile

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Mon Jan 10 17:05:22 EST 2005

Sorry for the cross posting to the Dev list, but I think this is a topic
that needs to be highlight there also.

So I am back to trying to do some performance tuning of my mapfiles. On
my layer post someone suggested using DEBUG ON. I think this is or a
similar mapfile option is the correct approach. Unfortunately, on
Mapserver 4.01, DEBUG ON was less than helpful. I only got a single line:

Mon Jan 10 14:57:21
2005,3687,,north_america_v40,3,-71.460613 42.571728
-71.317747 42.666972,-71.389180 42.619350,all ,normal execution

I turned on layer in the MAP .. END block and in every LAYER .. END
block but only got the above single line for a map drawn. So adding
DEBUG ON to the layers gave me no additional information about the
layer. In fact, when I got a parse error in the mapfile I did not get a
record in the logfile.

This is a fairly old version of mapserver and maybe this has changed in
the newer versions, may be not.

At any rate, here is what I would like to see:

1) execution time(s) for every block the has DEBUG ON, so if I only have
it in the MAP block I only get a summary, if I have it in a LAYER block
than I get detailed stats about that layer.
2) number of connections/shapefiles opened by block
3) number of objects drawn by block, maybe also the number of objects
scanned and not drawn
4) the map scale as drawn

With these basic stats, it would be easy for us to make changes to the
mapfile and evaluate the impact of the changes.

Why these stats? Well time is somewhat obvious, we need to identify what
is taking up time. Connections or shapefiles opened will tell us how
well our data is organized and how our tileindexes are working or not.
And finally, the number of object that are being drawn, may tell us
where we might want to thin out the detail, and scale helps us relate it
to our mapfile since it works based on MIN/MAXSCALE.

I would be happy to have additional stats also if you think there are
others that would help with performance tuning.

Output formats! Ideally it should be easy to parse the log file with
Perl. I don't have a problem with multiple lines as ling as there a
unique id the tie the lines together, like

date, uid, "map", map_name, bbox, scale, exec_time, etc
date, uid, "layer", layer_number, layer_name, exec_time, files, objects

I will follow up by creating a bug with this same request.

By the way, I have been running siege and bombard ( ) to stress test my servers and evaluate
performance at each zoom scale for all my mapfiles. Now that I know
where my problems lie, I am trying to fix them, but I am finding it is
really hard to know what is causing the performance issues or even which
of my 100 layers are causing it. It is really dumb, but I now have to
guess which layers might be the problem and delete a layer at a time,
run a 10-20 min stress test and repeat for all suspect layers to see
which ones are cause what type of impact. If I had the logging tools
above, I could run a stress test, summarize it with Perl and know
exactly what layer(s) need to be focused on.


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