Labelling cities and lakes with Tiger data (EntityNames

Colin McGuigan cmcguigan at EARTHCOMBER.COM
Wed Jan 12 11:08:43 EST 2005

Camden Daily wrote:
 > Colin, what type of Tiger data do you currently have?  There are lots
 > of available sets of tiger data, including street data, city names,
 > etc.  There's one set called 'landmark polygons' that includes things
 > such as lakes and parks.
 > If you could show an exmple of one of your layers you're using from
 > tiger data, I might be able to help.

I have just the straight 2000 data.  The files are AltName,
CompleteChain, EntityNames, FeatureIDs, IDHistory, Landmarks, OverUnder,
PIP, PolyChainLink, Polygon, PolygonEconomic, ZeroCellID, ZipCodes, and
ZipPlus4 -- that is, these are dbf, prj, and shp files.

I can get the polygons to display just fine -- I can _see_ the lake, and
rivers and whatnot are named in CompleteChain, so the rivers get labelled.

Polygon doesn't contain name information.  Landmarks does contain name
information for schools, hospitals, airports, and the like, but does not
contain city or lake names.  EntityNames contains city names but no
geographic data, and I can't figure out how to join it to anything
containing geographic data.

--Colin McGuigan

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