Pass information from CGI through Map file to OVF file and do a SQL Where

Todd Birkenholtz toddbirkey at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jan 14 13:03:01 PST 2005

Is there any way to pass more information through the CGI URL ?

I want to be able to use that variable and pass it to my OVF file and do a SQL "Where"  to get that locations Longitude Latitude. Then I will place a symbol at that location.


I think the OVF will look something like this....
       <OGRVRTLayer name="MyPoints">
        <SrcDataSource>ODBC:user/user at things,stuff</SrcDataSource>

        <SrcSQL>SELECT lat,lon from secretplaces where thespot='???Information from CGI ???'</SrcSQL>
        <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="lon" y="lat"/>

 Thank you.

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