Cache of WFS GML files

Martin van Dijken sunspam at WINDGAZER.NL
Wed Jan 19 05:15:27 EST 2005

For the past year I've been using mapserver for showing maps containing
wfs features. I extensively use the %keyword% replace mechanism in the url
to pass parameters from my webapp through the mapserver to my feature

Recently I've been asked to add some extra query abilities to the website
and also to the feature server. Adding this ability creates urls of large
lengths. I have one example that is 360 chars long. In this case and
others, mapserver's behaviour to cache GML on the file system becomes a
huge problem. Suddenly all my maprequests fail with the message "cannot
create file [url]".

Is there a way to circumvent this? Either disabling the cache, having
mapserver store the files under different names, anything will do.

Thanks in advance,

Martin van Dijken

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