mapserver 4.4.1 binary for debian?

Homme Zwaagstra hrz at GEODATA.SOTON.AC.UK
Thu Jan 20 08:32:43 PST 2005


On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 10:31:56AM -0500, Jeff Portwine wrote:
> Actually I looked for it, but in the file that debian writes that shows the
> files that were installed, it doesn't even list the mapserver binary.
> I got the debian package from
> I do have mapscript installed, the library is in place.
> Just no mapserver cgi binary.

Note that the mapserver binary is called mapserv and not mapserver! If
that's not it I'd get in touch with the package maintainer. I'm not
familiar with Debian but isn't there an apt-get command that will let
you list the files in a package?

> Thanks,
> -Jeff

Kind regards,


Homme Zwaagstra
GeoData Institute
University of Southampton

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