mapimages have different hue (off-colour)

Jacob Delfos jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM
Sun Jan 23 23:04:05 PST 2005

Hi All,

Got an interesting problem, which I hope someone recognises; My mapimage has changed hue in the last weeks. I am not sure what I changed to cause this. Perhaps an external program changed something about how my computer creates images. However, even if I restore the gdal12.dll file that I used previously (or any other of the many versions I have), my image is still off-colour. It is greenish/yellowish compared to the normal colour. It is still 24bit jpeg, though. But the mapimages from all php_mapscript based sites that I run from this machine have suddenly got this greenish tint.

I suspect it may be something about the overal system, because I once noticed how different machines (a win2k desktop, and an XP laptop) generated slightly differently coloured mapimages (different hue, different saturation), even though both machines were installed with the exact same mapserver files. I tried running the site using a browser on the host and on a different machine, but both images look greenish.

Does anyone know what could affect the hue of the mapimage? Something global?



Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd
629 Newcastle Street, WA 6007
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Western Australia
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