projection woes

Mark Adams markadams at CUESTASYS.COM
Tue Jan 25 08:02:36 PST 2005

Hoping someone can help me out with problems I’m having combining data from
different projections. I have a set of layers in NAD 27 zone 17, which I’m
displaying with a PROJECTION object set at the MAP level
with "init=EPSG:26717". I’m trying to add a layer that is in NAD 83 zone
17. If I simply add this layer without specifying a PROJECTION, it displays
fine, albeit out of sync with the underlying data due to the datum shift.
If I add a PROJECTION object to the LAYER set with "init=EPSG:26917", the
layer disappears – no error in the log file, just no data. The same thing
happens if I add a similar PROJECTION object to any other layer – the data

I’ve gone through the proj installation instructions, I can’t see anything

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

- Mark Adams
markadams at

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