Zoom to custom extent - PHP

William Bronsema wbronsema at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Jan 25 10:32:41 PST 2005


You will need to add a chunk of code like this:

// check if quick zoom is requested
if ( isset( $http_form_vars['ViewRegion'] ) && strlen(
$http_form_vars['ViewRegion'] ) > 0 )
    // separate values
    $adExtents = explode( ',', $http_form_vars['ViewRegion'] );

    // set extent
    $oMapSession->oMap->setExtent( $adExtents[0], $adExtents[1],
$adExtents[2], $adExtents[3] );

to your <application>.php file probably just after the navigation code.
(Note, you indicated that you built your app using maplab.  This code
snippet is built with that in mind - but has not been tested ;) )



William A. Bronsema, C.E.T.
Applications and Software Development,
DM Solutions Group Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Kevin Grootendorst
> Sent: January 25, 2005 1:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Zoom to custom extent - PHP
> Well, I haven't given up trying yet.  The problem is that I have bits of
> code everywhere and my confusion is growing.  As mentioned before, I'm
> trying to mimic the GMAP example.  But can't I have the code all in one
> file?  It seems like I have 3 different files with code pertaining to this
> one little feature.  Is there not some sort of code repository somewhere
> that I can just get the complete code from (and info telling me what file
> it has to go in)?  I'm boggled with trying to write PHP, thats why I'm
> trying to borrow code directly from the GMAP example.

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