displaying mrsid files in mapserver

John Spotten John.Spotten at CAPETOWN.GOV.ZA
Wed Jan 26 03:31:12 PST 2005


I can display some mrsid files using mapserver normal release binaries from http://hobo.stat.iastate.edu/mapserver/. Seems to depend on how the mrsid files were made up or their size. I can see 2mb sid files easly (w45a03.sid) but not 50mb files(w55d.sid).

here is the info on the sid files, apart from size the only other difference is  dyn range min  and  dyn range max values which are set at natural in the non displaying sid file,  maybe no color range therefore no display. any clues.

is the complete mrsid file loaded into memory on the server or only the portion that is in the view before being sent as a gif , my output format?     

C:\MS4W\apps\mapserver_demos\ct\data>mrsidinfo w45a03.sid
mrsidinfo: (c) 2003 LizardTech, Inc. All rights reserved.

basic image info:
  format:            MRSID
  width:             4000
  height:            4000
  nband:             3
  color space:       RGB
  datatype:          uint8
  dyn range min:     (0, 0, 0)
  dyn range max:     (254, 254, 254)
  background color:  (none)
  nodata color:      (none)
  metadata records:  27

geo coordinate info:
  X UL:              -48000.000000
  Y UL:              -3750000.000000
  X res:             0.250000
  Y res:             -0.250000
  X rot:             0.000000
  Y rot:             0.000000

geo points (pixel centers):
  upper left:        (-48000.000000, -3750000.000000)
  upper right:       (-47000.250000, -3750000.000000)
  lower left:        (-48000.000000, -3750999.750000)
  lower right:       (-47000.250000, -3750999.750000)
  center:            (-47500.125000, -3750499.875000)

MrSID-specific image info:
  number of levels:  4
  is locked:         false
  file version:      1.0.1.

MrSID/MG2-specific image info:
  is dithered:       true

C:\MS4W\apps\mapserver_demos\ct\data>mrsidinfo w55d.sid
mrsidinfo: (c) 2003 LizardTech, Inc. All rights reserved.

basic image info:
  format:            MRSID
  width:             20000
  height:            20000
  nband:             3
  color space:       RGB
  datatype:          uint8
  dyn range min:     (natural)
  dyn range max:     (natural)
  background color:  (none)
  nodata color:      (none)
  metadata records:  19

geo coordinate info:
  X UL:              -55000.000000
  Y UL:              -3755000.000000
  X res:             0.250000
  Y res:             -0.250000
  X rot:             0.000000
  Y rot:             0.000000

geo points (pixel centers):
  upper left:        (-55000.000000, -3755000.000000)
  upper right:       (-50000.250000, -3755000.000000)
  lower left:        (-55000.000000, -3759999.750000)
  lower right:       (-50000.250000, -3759999.750000)
  center:            (-52500.125000, -3757499.875000)

MrSID-specific image info:
  number of levels:  9
  is locked:         false
  file version:      1.0.1.

MrSID/MG2-specific image info:
  is dithered:       true

John Spotten
Transport Modeller/GIS Developer
Directorate of Transport, Roads and Stormwater
City of Cape Town
Tel : +27 21 4067325
Fax : +27 21 4186989
Cell : +27 846678901
Email : john.spotten at capetown.gov.za
Web : www.capetown.gov.za
 <<John Spotten.vcf>> 
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