relation between .tab and .map

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 26 05:38:00 PST 2005

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 10:13:13 +0100, Jose Luis Gonzalez
<joseluismapserver at> wrote:
> Does anyone know any web page were indicates the posible values that the
> parameters of the coordsys earth projection can have in a .tab file?

The MAPINFOW.PRJ file defines the MapInfo projections. And the MapInfo
Reference Manual explains the structure of the file fairly well.

> Does anyone know any web page were indicates the posible values that the
> parameters of the  projection  of a .map file can have?

The epsg file which come with Proj defines the coordinate systems used
by Proj, Gdal, MapServer, etc. Also the spatial_ref_sys table in
PostGIS defines the coordinate system parameters.

Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at

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