question about the installation of mapserver

Wim Blanken w.blanken at GEON.NL
Sat Jul 2 17:33:10 EDT 2005

Hello xiaochun,

You need to be a little bit more specific to get some advice about this........
Which distribution of linux are you using and how do you want to use mapserver (mapscript? cgi? postgis?).
What problems do you encounter? Compiling, installing or using?


Wim Blanken
The Netherlands

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wu, Xiaochun 
  Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 9:40 PM
  Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] question about the installation of mapserver

  Hi, everyone:
  I am very interested in the mapserver and have just started to learn. It 
  is totally new to me and I even have problems to install it in my linux 
  computer. I have tried to download some intallation package from your 
  website and still have to clue to get it work.
  So would you please tell me how to install it and get it to work?
  thanks ahead!

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