July 2005 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Jul 1 02:32:10 PDT 2005
Ending: Sun Jul 31 22:52:41 PDT 2005
Messages: 779
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Fw: Postgis Connection
Benjamin Thelen
- Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Fw: Postgis Connection
Benjamin Thelen
- GetFeatureInfo problem
José Vicente Higón Valero
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Fw: Postgis Connection
Benjamin Thelen
- [off-topic]What computer language to go tomorrow?
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Fw: Postgis Connection
Benjamin Thelen
- Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Fw: Postgis Connection
Benjamin Thelen
- Google Maps API
Kyle Mulka
- GetFeatureInfo problem
François Prunayre
- Res: Re: Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Fw: Postgis Connection
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- rosa applet (re)loading
Piero Cavalieri
- Res: Re: Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Fw: Postgis Connection
Benjamin Thelen
- Google Maps API
Rick Levine
- Security of data
Jeff Portwine
- Security of data
Gerry Creager
- problem with labelling - overlap
raj ganesh
- problem with labelling - overlap
Wim Blanken
- question about the installation of mapserver
Wu, Xiaochun
- centerline maps
Shashi Gireddy
- question about the installation of mapserver
Wim Blanken
- 答复: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] question abo ut the installation of mapserver
Wu, Xiaochun
- centerline maps
Mohamed Elshayal
- 答复: [UMN_MAP SERVER-USERS] question abo ut the instal lation of mapserver
Mohamed Elshayal
- error when connecting to demo
Bart van den Eijnden
- question abo ut the installation of mapserver
Wu, Xiaochun
- question abo ut the installation of mapserver
Bart van den Eijnden
- Runtime Shapes & Values
Abe Gillespie
- question about the installation of mapserver
Mohamed Elshayal
- Tutorial example1-9
Ron Neogi
- question abo ut the installation of mapserver
Ning Liu
- UTM at the zone's boundary.
Krung Saengpole
- GetFeatureInfo problem
Bart van den Eijnden
- hi Wim Blanken!!
raj ganesh
- Beginner - workshop installation with ms4w
Selim Hernandez
- Beginner - workshop installation with ms4w
Bart van den Eijnden
- label overlapping
raj ganesh
- setup size of lines
Carlos Timóteo
- setup size of lines
Bart van den Eijnden
- Symbolizing FeatureQuery
David Stajan
- Change Output Format
Abe Gillespie
- setup size of lines
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- Change Output Format
Yewondwossen Assefa
- shp2tile version 1.2 released
Stephen Woodbridge
- transparency not working in dynamic layer
Mark Phillips
- Symbolizing FeatureQuery
Richard Greenwood
- [UNCLASSIFIED]RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] UTM at the zone's boundar y.
Krung Saengpole
- transparency not working in dynamic layer
Lowell Filak
- ??: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] question abo ut the installation of mapserver
Fawcett, David
- ??: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] question abo ut the installation of mapserver
Howard Butler
- MapFile for 250 layers (MS_MAXLAYERS)
Gabriel Cloutier
- SLD & Spatial filter
François Prunayre
- MapFile for 250 layers (MS_MAXLAYERS)
Gabriel Cloutier
- pixmap symbol
Lluís Garcia i Mestres
- A flash question about Mapserver's SWF output
Jay Austin
- SLD & Spatial filter
Bart van den Eijnden
- Raster Layer, Extent, etc.
Ian Harding
- Raster Layer, Extent, etc.
Fawcett, David
- Raster Layer, Extent, etc.
Ian Harding
- Raster Layer, Extent, etc.
Fawcett, David
- Tif tiles display, but small in size
Yar Doroshenko
- Raster Layer, Extent, etc.
Ian Harding
- SLD & Spatial filter
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Ken Lord
- SLD & Spatial filter
Yewondwossen Assefa
- transparency not working in dynamic layer
Steve Lime
- Serving hillshaded maps
Mike Davis
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Alex Smith
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Paul Ramsey
- Moving point on the map
Gambin Dejan
- Serving hillshaded maps
Martin Tomko
- transparency with php_mapscript
- A flash question about Mapserver's SWF output
Kristjan Annus
- Empty map with MapInfo files (Mif/Mid) and OGR
Selim Hernandez
- GML MultiLineString - missing space
François Prunayre
- Serving hillshaded maps
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- Mapscript Windows binaries for PHP5
Dirk Jesko
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Frank Warmerdam
- mapserver4.6.0 config failure
Jim Ballantine
- altering label with php/mapscript
Don Deskins
- real estate applications
Thomas E Burk
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- Line layers from OGR Virtual Spatial Data?
Jim Bilsborough
- Line layers from OGR Virtual Spatial Data?
Frank Warmerdam
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Frank Warmerdam
- mapserver4.6.0 config failure
Frank Warmerdam
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Sean Gillies
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Ryan Boyles
- Line layers from OGR Virtual Spatial Data?
Frank Warmerdam
- Line layers from OGR Virtual Spatial Data?
Fawcett, David
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Ken Lord
- mapserver4.6.0 config failure
Jim Ballantine
- cocoon an mapserver
Andres Taborda
- real estate applications
Camden Daily
- cocoon an mapserver
Norman Barker
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- how to make the server available through port 8080
Wu, Xiaochun
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Frank Warmerdam
- how to make the server available through port 8080
Camden Daily
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- No labels with tileindex layer
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Frank Warmerdam
- No labels with tileindex layer
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Ken Lord
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Frank Warmerdam
- turn off warning messages?
Nate Reed
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Mike Davis
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Frank Warmerdam
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Mike Davis
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Ken Lord
- turn off warning messages?
Steve Lime
- GML MultiLineString - missing space
Steve Lime
- Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Yar Doroshenko
- Empty map with MapInfo files (Mif/Mid) and OGR
Selim Hernandez
- Projection LAMBERT III (South of France) parameters
Selim Hernandez
- gps coordinates
- ms_newShapefileObj gives error in mapserver 4.4.2
- Problems with featureinforequest with SDE
Detlef Stockhaus
- WFS wildcard use (PropertyIsLike)
Bart van den Eijnden
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Mark Adams
- Projection LAMBERT III (South of France) parameters
Frank Warmerdam
- Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Frank Warmerdam
- ms_newShapefileObj gives error in mapserver 4.4.2
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
- ogr2ogr
Gabriel Cloutier
- Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Brent Fraser
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- ogr2ogr
Frank Warmerdam
- using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?
Frank Warmerdam
- Projection LAMBERT III (South of France) parameters
Homme Zwaagstra
- mapserver php and cgi/module and security issues
Artur Skalski
- mapserver php and cgi/module and security issues
Umberto Nicoletti
- ms_newShapefileObj gives error in mapserver 4.4.2
- mapserver php and cgi/module and security issues
Flavio Hendry
- reduce gps points
joerg p
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
Mike Davis
- ogr2ogr bug!
Gabriel Cloutier
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
Ken Lord
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Ken Lord
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
Paul Ramsey
- .swf output, need help with ElementSelected
Jay Austin
- Maperver and IIS question
Subscribe Mapserver-Users Gom
- Mapserver and WMS
Subscribe Mapserver-Users Gom
- msSaveImageGD
Matthew Roberson
- No subject
Matthew Roberson
- GRIDS and Graticule
François TOURDE
- GRIDS and Graticule
Brent Fraser
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
Alex Smith
- Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Yar Doroshenko
- Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Brent Fraser
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Flavio Hendry
- reduce gps points
Schuyler Erle
- ms4w, chamelion, maplab
Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)
- Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Yar Doroshenko
- GRIDS and Graticule
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- GRIDS and Graticule
François TOURDE
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
uli mueller
Artur Skalski
Fawcett, David
- help with jbox
Pinktomate Pink
Fawcett, David
- Maperver and IIS question
Ed McNierney
- help with jbox
Piero Cavalieri
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
Paul Ramsey
- Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase
Paul Ramsey
- changing the color of polygons in a layer???
Matthew Roberson
- changing the color of polygons in a layer???(forgot the link...)
Matthew Roberson
- OFFSITE transparency question
Eros Agosto
- ms4w, chamelion, maplab
Jeff McKenna
- OFFSITE transparency question
Eros Agosto
- help with jbox
Pinktomate Pink
- wfs server with postgis data
Neil Best
- Overview Images in Mapserver
Kenneth Denson
- Overview Images in Mapserver
Ed McNierney
- embed text when group member is on
Randy James
- Overview Images in Mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- Presentations
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Maperver and IIS question
- Maperver and IIS question
Ed McNierney
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN
- Serving A Large Archive an openpap-client/wms-server
John Bonk
- Serving A Large Archive an openpap-client/wms-server
Frank Warmerdam
- Serving A Large Archive an openpap-client/wms-server
John Bonk
- PHP-MapScript Memory Exhaustion Error
John Gorkos
- Serving A Large Archive an openpap-client/wms-server
Frank Warmerdam
- Maperver and IIS question
Subscribe Mapserver-Users Gom
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
Paul Ramsey
- PC256 color images (I need more quality)
Pericles S. Nacionales
- PC256 color images (I need more quality)
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- PC256 color images (I need more quality)
Pericles S. Nacionales
- changing the color of object - rephrased
Matthew Roberson
- wfs server with postgis data
Neil Best
- Serving A Large Archive an openpap-client/wms-server
Gerry Creager
- PHP-MapScript Memory Exhaustion Error
Tim Schaub
- Serving A Large Archive an openpap-client/wms-server
Jeff DLB
- Need help: Annotation layer from Postgis using php
Sergey Miltchakov
- Map image resolution and weird asp issues
David Shorthouse
- Map image resolution and weird asp issues
Ajay Ranipeta
- Serving A Large Archive an openpap-client/wms-server
Norman Vine
- Max pan?
David Shorthouse
- Yet another request....cursor/layer for point information
David Shorthouse
- Zoom and Pan not working..
shailesh gavavthe
- Dateline polygons?
Joe Bussell
- Increasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :)
Bonnie Stewart
- Increasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :)
Andrew Collins
- test
Stéphane RIFF
- place a point in the map
- GetCapabilites Request
Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)
- mapscript concurent access
Stéphane RIFF
- GetCapabilites Request
Bart van den Eijnden
- mapscript concurent access
Umberto Nicoletti
- PHP-MapScript Memory Exhaustion Error
Umberto Nicoletti
- Problems with featureinforequest with SDE
Detlef Stockhaus
- mapscript concurent access
Stéphane RIFF
- MIT OrthoServer vs. UMN Mapserver
Arno roeder
- GetCapabilites Request
Richard Taylor
- mapscript concurent access
Umberto Nicoletti
- GetCapabilites Request
Jeff McKenna
- place a point in the map
Fawcett, David
- MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 9 Jul 2005 to 10 Jul 2005 (#2005-197)
John Bonk
- Serving A Large Archive an openpap-client/wms-server
John Bonk
- Organizing large temporal datasets (WAS: Increasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :))
Brent Fraser
- MIT OrthoServer vs. UMN Mapserver
Ed McNierney
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PC256 color images (I need more quality)
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Wrong projections w/ v4.4.2 & v4.6.0
Michael Leong
- Maperver and IIS question
Subscribe Mapserver-Users Gom
- how to suppress warning message?
Nate Reed
- test
Nate Reed
- how to suppress warning message?
Dylan Keon
- how to suppress warning message?
Nate Reed
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PC256 color images (I need more quality)
Pericles S. Nacionales
- PHP-MapScript Memory Exhaustion Error - SOLVED
John Gorkos
- off-topic: need perl xs help
Stephen Woodbridge
- Displaying Point on the Map if Co-ordinates are send by user ???
Mandar sarlashkar
- Map image resolution and weird asp issues
a j
- bug or design: query returns classes that are OFF
- Organizing large temporal datasets (WAS: Increasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :))
Bonnie Stewart
- Organizing large temporal datasets (WAS: Increasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :))
Brent Fraser
- off-topic: need perl xs help
Stephen Woodbridge
- WCS: red image when resx is different resy
Jos é Vte Higón
- Car track representation
Stéphane RIFF
- WCS: red image when resx is different resy
Norman Barker
- Apache on Port 81
Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)
- Apache on Port 81
Jacob Delfos
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Apache on Port 81
Frank Broniewski
- WFS support for Multilinestring Layer Type?
Donal Regan
- WFS support for Multilinestring Layer Type?
Bart van den Eijnden
- Mapfile TOLERANCE/ Mouse-click accuracy?
- Splitting/tiling a raster
Stefan Schwarzer
- Splitting/tiling a raster
Bart van den Eijnden
- Splitting/tiling a raster
Stefan Schwarzer
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Steve Hall
- Splitting/tiling a raster
Bart van den Eijnden
- Splitting/tiling a raster
Stefan Schwarzer
- Splitting/tiling a raster
Bart van den Eijnden
- MIT OrthoServer vs. UMN Mapserver
Arno roeder
- Query by more than one point
Artur Skalski
- Mapfile TOLERANCE/ Mouse-click accuracy?
Flavio Hendry
- place a point in the map
- example using python mapscript
raj ganesh
- GetCapabilites Request
Richard Taylor
- from Lambert to EPSG
Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)
- from Lambert to EPSG
Norman Vine
- changing the color of object - rephrased
William Bronsema
- Splitting/tiling a raster
Paul Spencer
- example using python mapscrip
Didrik Pinte
- Labeling of multi-polygon(?) states
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- place a point in the map
Fawcett, David
- Labeling of multi-polygon(?) states
Stephen Woodbridge
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PC256 color images (I need more quality)
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Res: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PC256 color images (I need more quality)
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Paul Ramsey
- Java Mapscript map draw error
Ajay Ranipeta
- Mapfile TOLERANCE/ Mouse-click accuracy?
Pericles S. Nacionales
- ANNOUNCE: 2nd Brazilian MapServer user meeting
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- Displaying Point on the Map if Co-ordinates are send by user ???
Ajay Ranipeta
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Steve Hall
- Labeling of multi-polygon(?) states
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Paul Ramsey
- Specify file name?
David Shorthouse
- client-side image map
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN
- Need help: Annotation layer from Postgis using php
Paul Ramsey
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Steve Hall
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Paul Ramsey
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Steve Hall
- Using functions with EXPRESSION
Sergey Miltchakov
- Using functions with EXPRESSION
Stephen Woodbridge
- Formal MapServer Technical Committee Proposal
Frank Warmerdam
- Using functions with EXPRESSION
Sergey Miltchakov
- place a point in the map
Fawcett, David
- any one from ann arbor michigan
pavan muthyala
- any one from ann arbor michigan
Peter Giencke
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Fernando Simon
- WCS: red image when resx is different resy
José Vicente Higón Valero
- Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function
Steve Hall
- client-side image map
Steve Lime
- MySQL integration
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Apache on Port 81
Jacob Delfos
- perl mapscript error
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- perl mapscript error
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Displaying Point on the Map if Co-ordinates are send by user ???
a j
- perl mapscript error
Sean Gillies
- Closest Feature Query
Abe Gillespie
- WCS: red image when resx is different resy
José Vicente Higón Valero
- Closest Feature Query
Steve Lime
- place a point in the map
- MySQL integration
Attila Csipa
- place a point in the map
- Splitting/tiling a raster - gdaladdo - [Summary]
Stefan Schwarzer
- Users adding point
YC Nyon
- place a point in the map
- Users adding point
Gregory S. Williamson
- newbe- mapscript /pil
Richard Alexander
- newbe- mapscript /pil
Didrik Pinte
- newbe- mapscript /pil
Richard Alexander
- How to change Scalebar style
Luca Manganelli
- How to change Scalebar style
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- newbe- mapscript /pil
Didrik Pinte
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Paul Moen
- My getLayerByName doesn't work
Phillip Neal
- PHP MAPSCRIPT dynamic point again
Phillip Neal
- newbe- mapscript /pil
Richard Alexander
- How to change Scalebar style
Fawcett, David
- My getLayerByName doesn't work
Frank Warmerdam
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Frank Warmerdam
- MySQL integration
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- My getLayerByName doesn't work
Phillip Neal
- place a point in the map
Fawcett, David
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Moen, Paul T.
- MySQL integration
Stephen Woodbridge
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Frank Warmerdam
- Closest Feature Query
Abe Gillespie
- volumetric data from a WCS
Norman Barker
- Closest Feature Query
Abe Gillespie
- Closest Feature Query
Stephen Woodbridge
- Closest Feature Query
Abe Gillespie
- volumetric data from a WCS
Frank Warmerdam
- Conference Materials
Liz Godwin
- Querying points
Jeff Portwine
- Postgis-connection
- Map size dependent label/feature size
David Bitner
- Conference Materials
Thomas E Burk
- Closest Feature Query
Abe Gillespie
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Moen, Paul T.
- real coordinates in the SVG output ?
David Delhorbe
- MySQL integration
Attila Csipa
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Frank Warmerdam
- Splitting/tiling a raster - gdaladdo - [Summary]
Ed McNierney
- Google maps as a Mapserver interface
Antti Roppola
- Java Mapscript version 4.6
Ajay Ranipeta
- Generating reference map image
Gambin Dejan
- place a point in the map
- Google maps as a Mapserver interface
Norman Barker
- place a point in the map
- OGRVRTDataSource and password
Piero Cavalieri
- OGR styleitem auto and legends
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Fwd: ostgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: could not load library]
Stephen Woodbridge
- real coordinates in the SVG output ?
Peter Giencke
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Moen, Paul T.
- place a point in the map
Fawcett, David
- tileindex for MapInfo TAB files
Bart van den Eijnden
- Generating reference map image
Daniele Margotti
- Problem to load images
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Generating reference map image
Lluís Garcia i Mestres
- Problem to load images
Ed McNierney
- Problem to load images
Ed McNierney
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem to load images
Ed McNierney
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem to load images
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Res: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem to load images
Randy James
- Res: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem to load images
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Map file as database
Raphael Teixeira
- Map file as database
Tyler Mitchell
- Map file as database
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map file as database
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- How to use links reference to pass a small URL
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Res: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem to load images
Ed McNierney
- Map file as database
Erich Schroeder
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Novice with Tutorial Question.
Jim Downing
- dynamic base image for refernce map?
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN
- Specifications do a Developing Team
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- Novice with Tutorial Question.
Fawcett, David
- Novice with Tutorial Question.
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- Novice with Tutorial Question.
Fawcett, David
- base map of north america
Nate Reed
- Map file as database
Leandro Dorileo
- Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem to load images
Leandro Dorileo
- Specifications do a Developing Team
Leandro Dorileo
- Georeferenced coordinates for a tiff file
- Georeferenced coordinates for a tiff file
Gambin Dejan
- Map file as database
Till Adams
- Georeferenced coordinates for a tiff file
- Map file as database
Norman Barker
- U.S Census Tiger file and MAPSERVER
Ashby, Matthew
- MapServer Technical Steering Committee Guidelines
Frank Warmerdam
- Google maps as a Mapserver interface
Kyle Mulka
- ODBC/OVF connection
Piero Cavalieri
- installing mapserver 4.6.0 with php 5 with bundled gd
Pat Kramer
- Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Yar Doroshenko
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Frank Warmerdam
- OGRVRTDataSource and password
Frank Warmerdam
- Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Brent Fraser
- Mapfile %% notation variables and PHP Mapscript
David Bitner
- Res: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Res: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem to load images
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
- symbols in mapscript
Klement Szabolcs
- Warning: Failed to open map file
Shashi Gireddy
- MS4W Error
Karol Such
- MS4W Error
Pykacz Pykacz
- MS4W Error
Pykacz Pykacz
- MS4W Error
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Warning: Failed to open map file
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Demo Problems
Karol Such
- googlemaps as wms GUI
Martin Tomko
- "best" data format for attribute searches
Bart van den Eijnden
- WFS: 4.6 and name of the geometry element (msGeometry)
Bart van den Eijnden
- hyperlink in a map
- "best" data format for attribute searches
Stephen Woodbridge
- Specifications do a Developing Team
Humberto Cereser Ibanez
- MS4W Error
Jeff McKenna
- MS4W Error
Jeff McKenna
- mapscript python build test error
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- "best" data format for attribute searches
Frank Warmerdam
- annotating PDF output
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN
- Where to install Mapserver?
Bill Chappell
- Powered by...
Dan Taylor
- Powered by...
Abe Gillespie
- MapServer .swf decompile
Jay Austin
- mapserver bug?
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN
- how to select image zoom, rectangle, move,etc in the map.
Andres Taborda
- catch Query result - No matching record(s) found
David Stajan
- How to pretent a repeatation?
Farid Vakilzadeh
- problems with shapefile
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- catch Query result - No matching record(s) found
Tyler Mitchell
- problems with shapefile
Ethan Alpert
- problems with shapefile
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- GEOS support for php_mapscript
Jacob Delfos
- imagemap output format
Jim Donaghy
- mapscript python build test error
Sean Gillies
- Mapserver viewer framework with tool tip (hint box)?
Luca Manganelli
- Mapserver viewer framework with tool tip (hint box)?
Bart van den Eijnden
- Commercial support for mapserver / "resellers"
E Witteveen
- <form> (html) and Itemquery
Selim Hernandez
- Commercial support for mapserver / "resellers"
Bart van den Eijnden
- Commercial support for mapserver / "resellers"
Emil Zegers
- Where to install Mapserver?
Piero Cavalieri
- Where to install Mapserver?
Piero Cavalieri
- MapServer .swf decompile
Tim Boothby
- polygon outline with styles
Wolfgang Qual
- Examples of MapServer SVG maps?
Luca Manganelli
- Mapserver workshop at the SVGOpen 2005
Bart van den Eijnden
- Mapserver workshop at the SVGOpen 2005
Piero Cavalieri
- ODBC/OVF connection
Emil Zegers
- ODBC/OVF connection
Bart van den Eijnden
- ODBC/OVF connection
Piero Cavalieri
- ODBC/OVF connection
Piero Cavalieri
- ODBC/OVF connection
Emil Zegers
- Commercial support for mapserver / "resellers"
Flavio Hendry
- tileindex for MapInfo TAB files
Bart van den Eijnden
- Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files
Paul Moen
- tileindex for MapInfo TAB files
Frank Warmerdam
- help for installation
Tony Denis
- help for installation
Bart van den Eijnden
- help for installation
Fawcett, David
- help for installation
Piero Cavalieri
- Multiple Layers Query with qlayer
- PHP MapScript / dynamic points from MySQL / possible to query?
Geoff Rowland
- PHP MapScript / dynamic points from MySQL / possible to query?
Peter Giencke
- Testing
J. Parapar
- information about ms4w
Tony Denis
- information about ms4w
Jeff McKenna
- still me
Tony Denis
- transparency using php-mapscript
- still me
- still me
Randy James
- still me
Ralph Plugowsky
- Transparency in classes
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- Problem with spatial filters and SLD parsing
J. Parapar
- Mapserver/PHP5 Linux compatibility
- Transparency in classes
Ethan Alpert
- change output format of image object?
Nate Reed
- change output format of image object?
Daryl Herzmann
- {off-topic} What is "com_dotnet" at PHP5 ?
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- SELinux Apache and php/mapscript
Tim Norris
- SELinux Apache and php/mapscript
Steven Bowden
- PHP MapScript / dynamic points from MySQL / possible to query?
Dylan Beaudette
- Mapserver workshop at the SVGOpen 2005
Martin Tomko
- still me
Carl Burn
- scanned map
- TEMPLATE in map file doesn't run, why?
- TEMPLATE in map file doesn't run, why?
Daniele Margotti
- inline feature -- adding a point by URL
Gregory S. Williamson
- TEMPLATE in map file doesn't run, why?
- TEMPLATE in map file doesn't run, why?
Jacob Delfos
- Log error question
Stéphane RIFF
- Compile error
Vito De Toma - CED-
- Log error question
Stéphane RIFF
- Log error question
Stephen Woodbridge
- Log error question
Stéphane RIFF
- imagemap output format
Bob Bruce
- PHP MapScript / dynamic points from MySQL / possible to query?
Peter Giencke
- New google maps
Stephen Woodbridge
- New google maps
David Bitner
- Questions about MN DNR Landview client
J. Parapar
- New google maps
Andy Canfield
- New google maps
Dylan Keon
- Problem with spatial filters and SLD parsing
Yewondwossen Assefa
- New google maps
Rick Levine
- New google maps
Jeff Portwine
- Problems with gdal
Frederico Lucca
- hyperlink in a map
Bob Bruce
- No subject
Peter Misovic
- problem with line layers
Sergio Lopez
- problem with line layers
Nate Reed
- Suggestions needed to get started
M. Fioretti
- Suggestions needed to get started
Piero Cavalieri
- save polygon
Mehdi Kiman
- postgis
Jachym Cepicky
- postgis
uli mueller
- postgis
Stéphane RIFF
- Suggestions needed to get started
Umberto Nicoletti
- postgis
Jachym Cepicky
- perl mapscript and reference map
Jachym Cepicky
- Virtual Spatial Data through OCI
Bart van den Eijnden
- FW: Re: [Chameleon] save polygons
Mehdi Kiman
- [Chameleon] save polygons
Mehdi Kiman
- [Chameleon] save polygons
Bart van den Eijnden
- save polygons
Mehdi Kiman
- perl mapscript and reference map
Lowell Filak
- Problems with gdal
Frederico Lucca
- perl mapscript and reference map
Jachym Cepicky
- New google maps
Flavio Hendry
- Suggestions needed to get started
Piero Cavalieri
- Need some help with mapserver 4.6
Jeff Portwine
- Need some help with mapserver 4.6
Silke Reimer
- Problems with gdal
Frank Warmerdam
- Virtual Spatial Data through OCI
Frank Warmerdam
- Virtual Spatial Data through OCI
Bart van den Eijnden
- PNG Output.
- PNG Output.
Bart van den Eijnden
- PNG Output.
Frank Warmerdam
- Virtual Spatial Data: OCI versus ODBC
Bart van den Eijnden
- Virtual Spatial Data and MySQL client
Bart van den Eijnden
- New google maps
Steven Monai
- PNG Output.
- PNG Output.
- PNG Output.
Fawcett, David
- SVG output in real world coords
Jon Saints
- historical political boundaries
Fawcett, David
- Virtual Spatial Data and MySQL client
Piero Cavalieri
- PNG Output.
- historical political boundaries
Tyler Mitchell
- Problems with gdal
Frederico Lucca
- historical political boundaries
Joe Bussell
- historical political boundaries
Peter Giencke
- historical political boundaries
Tyler Mitchell
- Problems with gdal
Frank Warmerdam
- Virtual Spatial Data and MySQL client
Frank Warmerdam
- Virtual Spatial Data and MySQL client
Bart van den Eijnden
- inline feature -- adding a point by URL does not work
Gregory S. Williamson
- inline feature -- adding a point by URL does not work
Fawcett, David
- Problems with gdal
Frederico Lucca
- Problems with gdal
Frank Warmerdam
- hyperlink in a map
Dylan Beaudette
- how can I fix this error?
Wu, Xiaochun
- hyperlink in a map
Jim Donaghy
- Layer Load time
Jerl Simpson
- client side image map: classitem
Dylan Beaudette
- Problems with gdal
Frederico Lucca
- inline feature -- adding a point by URL does not work
Gregory S. Williamson
- off topic: earth.google.com
Flavio Hendry
- off topic: earth.google.com
Flavio Hendry
- Virtual Spatial Data and MySQL client
Bart van den Eijnden
- Installing Java MapScript on Windows
Bas Vanmeulebrouk
- Virtual Spatial Data and MySQL client
Bart van den Eijnden
- inline feature -- adding a point by URL does not work
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- SVG output in real world coords
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Problem with queryByShape
Dirk Jesko
- does the size of the dbf file influence the size of the spatial index (qix)?
Bart van den Eijnden
- SVG output in real world coords
Jon Saints
- Can't load WMS raster layer using Python Mapscript
William Hudspeth
- off topic: earth.google.com
Brent Fraser
- off topic: earth.google.com
Norman Barker
- off topic: earth.google.com
Camden Daily
- Can't load WMS raster layer using Python Mapscript
Sean Gillies
- off topic: earth.google.com
Jan Hartmann
- off topic: earth.google.com
Lowell Filak
- off topic: earth.google.com
Tyler Mitchell
- off topic: earth.google.com
Brent Fraser
- hyperlink in a map [solved]
Dylan Beaudette
- database connection
Martin Poggensee
- off topic: earth.google.com
Rick Levine
- off topic: earth.google.com
Lowell Filak
- Kitchen Sink for 4.6
Howard Butler
- Kitchen Sink for 4.6
Tyler Mitchell
- database connection
Bart van den Eijnden
- highlight all matching features in CGI-style query
Dylan Beaudette
- does the size of the dbf file influence the size of the spatial index (qix)?
Frank Warmerdam
- need help in the tutorial example
Wu, Xiaochun
- client side image map: classitem
Bob Bruce
- inline feature -- adding a point by URL does not work -- Solved!
Gregory S. Williamson
- Embedding connection xml in mapfile
David Shorthouse
- highlight all matching features in CGI-style query
Ken Lord
- Problem with tutorial<Solved>, Thanks to Fred and list!
Wu, Xiaochun
- Embedding connection xml in mapfile
David Shorthouse
- Virtual Spatial Data and MySQL client
Frank Warmerdam
- Embedding connection xml in mapfile
Ken Lord
- client side image map: classitem [solved]
Dylan Beaudette
- Embedding connection xml in mapfile
David Shorthouse
- Mapscript Zooming
Giridhar Manepalli
- Labels using shape index
Eric Shuman
- MapHack for (Weather) data : Contouring (on-the-fly)
Rob Cermak
- off topic: earth.google.com
Daniele Margotti
- off topic: earth.google.com
Andy Canfield
- off topic: earth.google.com
Brent Fraser
- off topic: earth.google.com
Andy Canfield
- off topic: earth.google.com
Andy Canfield
- Installing Java MapScript on Windows
Ajay Ranipeta
- Getting Mapserver to work
Karol Such
- Getting Mapserver to Work
Karol Such
- Getting Mapserver to Work
Bart van den Eijnden
- coordinates with jBox
Jachym Cepicky
- segmentation fault with a php mapscript layer
Phillip Neal
- I: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] hyperlink in a map
Leonardo Globo
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
Peter Giencke
- Character encoding problems
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- Line thickness with symbols
Hoeven, Maarten van der
- Line thickness with symbols
Bart van den Eijnden
- Line thickness with symbols
Hoeven, Maarten van der
- Line thickness with symbols
Fawcett, David
- Dynamic Maptitle
Gerjan Walrecht
- wfs layer not appearing in arcmap
Neil Best
- Holes in polygons in some scales
Silke Reimer
- off topic: earth.google.com
Andy Canfield
- What does compile with "--with-httpd" do?
Adam W
- Holes in polygons in some scales
Jacob Delfos
- coordinates with jBox
Jachym Cepicky
- Dynamic Maptitle
Stefanie Weykam
- perl mapscript and layer transparency
Jachym Cepicky
- How to show lines between PostGIS data of type POINT
Sebastian Albrecht
- Dynamic Maptitle
Gerjan Walrecht
- perl mapscript and layer transparency
Lowell Filak
- ANGLE keyword in MAP file
Mark Adams
- ANGLE keyword in MAP file
Jeff McKenna
- ANGLE keyword in MAP file
Mark Adams
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- perl mapscript and layer transparency
Jachym Cepicky
- ANGLE keyword in MAP file
Fawcett, David
- How to show lines between PostGIS data of type POINT
David Bitner
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
Liz Godwin
- What does compile with "--with-httpd" do?
Frank Warmerdam
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
Flavio Hendry
- Dynamic Maptitle
Stefanie Weykam
- Labels using shape index
Steve Lime
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
Umberto Nicoletti
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Aerial photos
Nhamoinesu Mtetwa
- ogr2ogr with file list
Yar Doroshenko
- ESRI Geodatabase Connection for MapServer
Ken Lord
- problem with line layers
Sergio Lopez
- ogr2ogr with file list
Tyler Mitchell
- ESRI Geodatabase Connection for MapServer
Tyler Mitchell
- problem with line layers
Steve Lime
- ogr2ogr with file list
Bart van den Eijnden
- ogr2ogr with file list
Bill Binko
- Labels using shape index
Eric Shuman
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
François TOURDE
- Labels using shape index
Abe Gillespie
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
Ed McNierney
- ESRI Geodatabase Connection for MapServer
Mark Adams
- Labels using shape index
Eric Shuman
- USGS DEM and OGC WMS -- Bug
Julien, Heryk
- Labels using shape index
Steve Lime
- Labels using shape index
Eric Shuman
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Labels using shape index
Steve Lime
- mapinfo trouble in mapserver
Matthew Edmondson
- ogr2ogr with file list
Yar Doroshenko
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- ESRI Geodatabase Connection for MapServer
Mike Davis
- Labels using shape index
Eric Shuman
- mapinfo trouble in mapserver {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- How to draw simple closed polygons at the client side ?
Richard Roger
- Vewing Image in "Browse" mode
krishnaa sridharan
- Vewing Image in "Browse" mode
Jacob Delfos
- WFS and EPSG conversion
Donal Regan
- WFS and EPSG conversion
Bart van den Eijnden
- perl mapscript: Can't locate swig_numres.al
Jachym Cepicky
- WFS and EPSG conversion
Donal Regan
- WFS and EPSG conversion
Bart van den Eijnden
- WFS and EPSG conversion
Donal Regan
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
Daniele Margotti
- perl mapscript: Can't locate swig_numres.al
Joe Bussell
- USGS DEM and OGC WMS -- Bug
Norman Barker
- Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
Morten Nielsen
- Aerial photos
Stefanie Weykam
- perl mapscript: Can't locate swig_numres.al
Jachym Cepicky
- SPAM!!!: SPAM!!!: SPAM!!!: Re: SPAM!!!: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Microsoft's Virtual Earth - Googlemaps Clone?
Sylvain Beorchia
- Dynamic Maptitle
Gerjan Walrecht
- perl mapscript: Can't locate swig_numres.al
Lowell Filak
- Installation
Geraint Lee
- perl mapscript: Can't locate swig_numres.al
Sean Gillies
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Yewondwossen Assefa
- USGS DEM and OGC WMS -- Bug
Julien, Heryk
- USGS DEM and OGC WMS -- Bug
Norman Barker
- Installation
Till Adams
- USGS DEM and OGC WMS -- Bug
Frank Warmerdam
- Installation
Till Adams
- Postgis-connection
Vera Schulze
- Raster question
John Lee
- trying to get demo to run
Douglass Davis
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- Join? Query? Select?
Daniele Margotti
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
Ken Lord
- jbox: uncaught exception
Jachym Cepicky
- PHP/Mapserver Legend question
Jeff Portwine
- Other spatial database development (PostGIS)
Frank Warmerdam
- CGI Variable String Length Limit
Aubrey Jackson
- artifacts at tiled image borders
Dylan Beaudette
- newbie question about EXTENT
Douglass Davis
- CGI Variable String Length Limit
Ethan Alpert
- newbie question about EXTENT
Ethan Alpert
- artifacts at tiled image borders
Frank Warmerdam
- artifacts at tiled image borders
Ed McNierney
- artifacts at tiled image borders
Dylan Beaudette
- compatibility with PHP 5
Nate Reed
- Raster question
Dylan Keon
- weired zooming problem
Shashi Gireddy
- Join? Query? Select?
Daniele Margotti
- Multiple dynamic points and cgi variables
Beales, Joe
- How to draw simple closed polygons at the client side ?
- SPAM!!!: Re: Nate reed
Sylvain Beorchia
- tiles and overview maps
Frank Rittinger
- tiles and overview maps
Frank Warmerdam
- Raster question
Frank Warmerdam
- gdallado edges
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- gdallado edges
Frank Warmerdam
- compatibility with PHP 5
Tim Schaub
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- Raster question
John Lee
- compatibility with PHP 5
Camden Daily
- SLD pointsymbolizer externalgraphic trouble
Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]
- transparent symbol
Lluís Garcia i Mestres
- mapserver tif projections
Douglass Davis
- mapserver tif projections
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Rick Innis
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Fernando Simon
- Slightly off topic: Sounds like Mapserver+GDAL+...
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Sean Gillies
- Slightly off topic: Sounds like Mapserver+GDAL+...
Sean Gillies
- mapserver tif projections
Douglass Davis
- mapserver tif projections
Ethan Alpert
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Fernando Simon
- Slightly off topic: Sounds like Maps erver+GDAL+...
Brenningmeyer, Todd M.
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Sean Gillies
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Rick Innis
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Sean Gillies
- Mapscript Zooming
Giridhar Manepalli
- mapserver tif projections
Douglass Davis
- Installation
prashant n
- Installation
Till Adams
- New Mapserver page
Till Adams
- Labeling Question
magnus gmail
- POST method to mapserv
- Labeling Question
Bart van den Eijnden
- Labeling Question
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Fernando Simon
- [mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API
Sean Gillies
- landview DHTML interface: adding elements
Dylan Beaudette
- landview DHTML interface: adding elements
David Bitner
- SVG as imagetype
Sandro Danilo Gatto
- problems using "set in <template.html>
Rodrigo Ferreira Rodrigues
- JavaMapScript howto delete a layer?.
Antonio Pace
- Error making mapscript tcl
Philip Dillon-Thiselton
- Newbie : where can I find national maps ?
Thomas Carrié
- WFS request using CVS version: mapserv(): Web application error. No template provided.
Bart van den Eijnden
- WFS request using CVS version: mapserv(): Web application error. No template p
Bart van den Eijnden
Last message date:
Sun Jul 31 22:52:41 PDT 2005
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:01:31 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).